Sunday, March 25, 2012

Update 1.2.4

Although celebrated, the new minecraft update once again plays to destroy major server developers. Unless you are a caual server owner, or amoung the few who code your own server side console and wrapper, you have fallen in the waiting line of hell. Please take a number, Bukkit is servering number A344. However, you'll look down only to find your number falls short of anywhere remotely near the front of the line where developers like yourself are stuck behind the old grandma known as 1.2.3. Fully equipt with impairing hearing loss and a walker, she has heard the attendant's cries for her attention but they are quickly dispelled by the fact grandma has her hearing aids turned way down. Why not just serve 1.2.4? Why not just skip her number. She knows the rules, come up once you're number is called. Thats how it has always been... Right? Wrong. Grandma needs to pick a new number because WE have moved on. Now servering A345.

I personally welcome the latest addition to the bukkit development team, Now offering a non-confusing way for server admins to access development builds, and offer regular users a one-stop place to see where bukkit it as. No longer will we have to guess at what version is supported, or trying to match up dev bulid IDs in Jenkins. Finally we have what A345 has been waiting for the whole time.

For more information please visit to see the latest build of bukkit and to see if bukkit is right for you.